My problem with this drive is that is making alot of coasters.i replace the lg dvd for this liteon and is making me very using verbatim 16x media at 4x speed or 2x speed with the same results,im using nero 8 and imgburn with the same results.the drive is new only made 5 backups,and all backups with the same problem.the drive is a retail and it came with firmware LLOC.can somebody tell me if this can be fix or do i have to get a replacement.
post a nero quality scan if you would I've had some problems with the same drive although the DVDs are playing back fine. When i do a quality scan the lead in spikes causing a low score see if you have the same problem. also update the firmware to 9LO8 and see if that helps
yeah sorry that link is for the sata drive check that same site but i think thats the most up to date firmware for that drive. burning to slow can cause as many problems as burning to fast knock it up to 8x and see if that helps