Liteon LVW-5005 has 2 firmware files?

Discussion in 'DVD recorders' started by geolaw, May 24, 2005.

  1. geolaw

    geolaw Member

    May 24, 2005
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    I have a liteon LVW5005. On its site, it shows 2 firmware files to download.

    It has a 'system firmware' (which is referenced in your Hacker update instructions)

    It also has a separate file called 'drive firmware' with instructions to add AFTER the system firmware is added.

    I don't see it referenced at all on the ILO Hacker firmware site. Anyone familiar with what this is and how does one address this using the Hacker software? Add it seperately after Hacker software file w/ system firmware is updated or just ignore it?

  2. Gtrman

    Gtrman Regular member

    Jan 13, 2005
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    The system update is for the hardware part of the recorder. This is the file that gets hacked for the MacroVision and LP mode. The other file is for the burner in the recorder. It updates the drive to fix any issues the burner may have and to make it more compatable with newer media. As listed, do the system update first. Once it is completed successfully, do the drive update. This will bring your recorder up to the latest updates.
  3. microunit

    microunit Member

    May 31, 2005
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    Should I put two unzipped files into same CD or the other CD? What is the procedure?

  4. raven36

    raven36 Guest

    i got simalar problem i got iol o4 and i have no idea whats on it ,but would like to get the updates , which files do i start with>?? the maufacter date on box is demcember 04 . also from research it shows i have the 4x drive. my sn is 43o1 g2bc XXX . id like to update it but there are system fimes and then drive files and then both files. if anyone can chime in id apprciate it. mods say uses search button ,but that takes ******* ever. any one?? im surprised at how many threads are on this forum ,but the search functions suck. you can type in one word or combo or search what your looking for but the search hits on the most trivial thing .very frustrating to have to spend hours weeding thru crap just to find a simple 2 word answer like "yes" or " no " .this forum has alot of info ,but wading thru the drudges is not worth it when looking for specific info.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 1, 2005
  5. Gtrman

    Gtrman Regular member

    Jan 13, 2005
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    Sent you a private message. Check it out.


    No. You will have to put each file on its own CD. The recorder has no way of telling them apart. Remember to do the system update first.

    To All,

    Updates over-write the installed firmware, not add to it. This is why you do not need to install every update from what's on the recorder to what's current. This is also why, if you are using hacked firmware, you have to hack the update or use a hacked update or the hacked features will be overwritten with the factory settings.

    The difference between the LiteOn and ILO firmware:
    LiteOn will release just a drive update if needed and a system update if needed. If they happen at the same time, they will issue a system/drive update in one file. I'm not sure about the but I think the only recorder that this has been done with is the 5005.

    The ILO, so far, has either a system/drive update or a system only update.

    The confusing thing is, what files do you need. If you think about it in a logical fashion, it's fairly easy. You want the newest system AND drive update to make sure you are up to speed. If the newest update is system only, you know you will have to go back farther to find the firmware with the newest drive update included. This may be an update on its own (LiteOn) or could be part of a previous system/drive update (LiteOn or ILO).

    On the LiteOn 5005, it is pretty easy. Download the newest system file and the newest drive file. If the newest file is a system/drive update, you only need to download the one file.

    The ILO takes a little more thinking. Since there have been no drive only updates for the ILO, you will need to download the last system/drive update to get the newest drive update. Then, if there is a newer system only update, download it and install it after the older system/drive update. This will just update the system and leave the drive alone. Example: You have an ILO R04. The installed firmware revision is 1095. The ILO R04's newest update is 1098RevB. It is a system only update. You know that there was a drive update included in 1097 that came out between the two. You would first download and install 1097, a system/drive update, to get the drive part of the update. It doesn't have to be the hacked version since you will be updating the system part again later. After installing 1097, the drive now has the last available update installed to it. Now download and install the hacked version of 1098RevB. This will overwrite just the system part of the recorder and also install the hacks. You now have a recorder with the latest system and drive updates.

    In my opinion, I think it would be easier if they did it like the 5005 for all the updates. It is much easier to determine which files you need if the drive and system updates were separate.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2005
  6. geolaw

    geolaw Member

    May 24, 2005
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    And just to confirm, once you have done one hacked 'system firmware' update, all future 'system firmware' and 'drive firmware' updates require no hacking? Simply add the firmware files as they become available w/o the need of additional or updated hack software? Is this correct?
    And should additional features be added to the hackware, are they automatically available to firmware updates that were previously hacked?

  7. Gtrman

    Gtrman Regular member

    Jan 13, 2005
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    Read my above post....

    Updates over-write the installed firmware
    , not add to it. This is why you do not need to install every update from what's on the recorder to what's current. This is also why, if you are using hacked firmware, you have to hack the update or use a hacked update or the hacked features will be overwritten with the factory settings.

    Over-write meaning erase and replace. Updates are NOT additive. If you do not hack each new update you install, you will not get the hacks.
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2005

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