Hi all just wondering what kind of speeds people are getting from one of these drives. (167t not 16t as mentioned in the title... you cant change em ) i have tried the 16,16,12 hacked firmware and the drive spends all its time whizzing away then stopping then whizzing away again and rips really slowly. i set it back to stock and i get no real consistency between rip times. i have seen 8,xxx kb/sec on shrink and it sometimes goes down to 2,xxx even with no compression being used. i heard that you can get better rip times using IDE0 or IDE1 (as i use an additional RAID/ATA that is on my mobo) what kind of speeds are people getting? it just seems stupiod that it takes 12 mins to rip a disk and i can burn one in 5 if i needed to! this drive allegidly has no riplock etc but it is going far slower than the 21,350KB/sec it can alledgidly do (16x) any ideas?
I am not sure why the Lite On 167T is advertised and labeled as a 16X DVD ROM. I have never gotten 16X ripping speed on anything. That is not to say I am dissatisfied. I think the highest speed I have noticed has been around 14000-15000kbs and that has been a peak speed not a consistent high speed. I've never really analyzed this, but I probably "average" about 6-8X on my rips. Like I said I ain't complaining. It all depends on where you have come from. Before I bought my 167T, I ripped at a max of 2x on my Pioneer 106D...slower than molasses. Using my 167T now, feels like I've died and gone to heaven.
Check this link out it will explain your ripping with your drive as you can see, depends on the disk your ripping. http://www.cdrinfo.com/Sections/Reviews/Specific.aspx?ArticleId=10033&PageId=1 Good Luck Spacedust
Ive managed to get the LiteOn SOHD167T to rip @ 10x on retail dvds using the hacked firmware. DVD Decrypter seems to be best for achiving maxium ripping speeds with this LiteOn. also, try checking which version of ASPI you are using, I used Elby's and pulled 10x. On a side note : this model LiteOn as almost all LiteOn's dvdroms tends to rip DVD-/+ R/RW faster than they do pressed (retail) discs.
which hacked firmware - i tried the codeboys or whatever and their 16x16x12x and it spends more time stopping and seeking than ripping. i have just been to elby's webbie and i cant see a an aspi package ami right in thinking 10x should be 12,000 (ish) kb/sec, as the best i even get is 9,000... i just dont see how a 16x drive reads slower than 8x write?!?!?! surely this is false advertising