ok, i have an older computer runnin on 98. I start it up in both safe mode and normal but it freezes the explorer both times. If by chance it loads good in safe mode, i click once and it freezes. Is this just a sign of adware, or virus. Cause i planned on running a virus scan in dos to see whats up, and then after that, puttin another os onto another hard drive and runnin the bad hard drive on slave to try and clear any adware up. Does this sound like the problem ? Thanks!
try the bad hd in safemode on another computer to see if doing same thing as it might be a hardware problem not software. take a pencil eraser to the gold contacts on the memory sticks to see if that cures the problem. i did that on a computer that was coming up with windows protection error in both modes & 2 different hds & ended up using the eraser on the memory to solve the problem.
I have an older computer with win 98 as well. Recently it had errors on startup. I left it alone for a few days and it worked out its problems. If there aren't any important files on it I wouldn't bother troubleshooting. I would start fresh.
ok, i tried it in another comp in safe mode and it did the same exact thing. So i put a master drive that works in my good comp with the bad hd as slave and used adaware and avg virus scan to get rid of everything on the bad hd. Still, it booted up badly on both comps. Any suggestions on what next?
could try & reload windows on top of self to see if it corrects the problem but good possibilty you will have to fdisk, format & load windows from scratch
that's what i was going to try, but just wanted to see what you would do. Thanks for the help, It should be fine from here then.
ok, well sorry, but i do have a problem again. i went to go reput on windows 98, but it doesnt boot my floppy or cdrom drive. Even when i put it in dos, it wont read those two drives. Do you know whats wrong? I partially looked in teh bios for any boot options, but didnt really know what to change because tehre were a lot of choices. If you could help me out again, id appreciate it. Thanks!
Your want to alter the settings of the Bootlist or startup order or something along those lines. Usually somewhere all your drives are listed you may want to make sure they are all listed. Maybe you hit something lose playing with the hd.
Nope, everything is intact. I checked. Thanks for the thought though. I checked the bios options and still found nothing to alter the boot settings, so i still cannot get it to boot the windows from the cdrom driver or a boot disk in the floppy. Is there any way i can get this to work. Like i can get into dos from the f8 command, but i can only see the c: and not the floppy or cd drive. So any suggestions? Thanks!
Take the hdd out, and run it in slave in an xp machine, run a good quality virus app, and maybe a spyware, registry prog too, then put it back in the old comp.
does the computer see the 2 rom drives?? if other computer is running win98, make a new win98 bootdisk but 1st do a full format not the quick format so can see if have bad spots on disk or not.
With older computers windows won't install automatically when put in the drive. Right now your computer loads up and says C: or what you have to do is change the drive letter and call the file on the windows cd. I forget what it is so you'll have to check on your other computer. I'm pretty sure it's setup.exe I haven't done this in along time so I kinda forget but I think to change the drive you hit esc and then type in the drive letter. Then hit enter and the drive should showup the same way as the c drive did to begin with. Then just type in setup.exe or whatever you discover the file name to be and the installation of windows will begin.
well, eventually i got the problem solved. I tried scanning the hard drive with avg, adaware, and spybot thinking that it would solve the problem and it didnt. So i tried Norton. That picked up new thigns and i got rid of that and it started up. But i have a problem now. For some reason the hd, when it was on, make a little spark sound and turned off the comp. I rebooted and found that it wouldnt pick up the hd at all. So i tried it in another comp and found taht no power is leading to the hard drive. Is there a way to fix this? Sorry for all the confusion. Thanks!
sounds like you fried part of the hd circuit board on the bottom of the drive. look at & smell the circuit board to see if can see or smell the fried component.
you will see if visibly fried. depends on the part that got fried as to whether you can fix it as some ic's don't have any markings on them
i dont notice any fried parts on the hard drive. Is it possible that there is osmething fried inside the hard drive?