Hello, yesterday i was asked to work on my father computer it had some malware on it. So in attempted to get rid of the malware i just reformatted and reinstalled his copy of Xp. When i came back the computer said Limited or no Connectivity. Im sure its not that his ethernet card isn't copput but really i dont have any idea whats how to make his internet now work. He uses a Gx260 dell optiplex (i know old computer and im trying to coax him to at least installing linux because of its speed) (note it does has service pack 3 and is ran through a lan line. I think this has more though i think this more of Xp error then any thing else.
Have you tried to install the drivers for the ethernet card? Probably on a separate install disk that came with the computer. You might need to call the service provider for profile setting details specific to their system to get the internet back running.