I just got into the whole soft modding idea and it seems great, I have all of the software and tools I need, my box is set up to FTP and I have modded some maps, but the main thing I need to know is when I install Halo2 to my xbox HDD it says the total file is too large. I read that you are only supposed to put multiplayer maps on it, but will it play? do I run the game without the disk in the drive, or do I need to copy some of the fonts folder in too? Also is the E: drive the correct one I put all of this in?? Please help me out here, thanks everyone!!
Do you plan on playing halo 2 on live? If so you just have to overwrite the maps that you downloaded from xbl with the maps that you modded. But they have to be the same map.
everything you copy- the entire fonts folder-important!, all multiplayer maps including shared.map and mainmenu.map, the entire media folder, and default.xbe, downloader.xbe, dashupdate.xbe, and update.xbe. keep the bink folder but clear out everything inside of it. and that's it . it should fit