Loads of default monitors.................

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by baabaa, Oct 10, 2004.

  1. baabaa

    baabaa Active member

    Jan 7, 2003
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    I have repaired several TFT monitors (inverter, power supply problems) and have obviously tested them on my PC.
    (Nope not attempting to sell them.....LOL).

    Whilst testing one of them, I noticed in device manager under monitors I have listed are the following:

    Default Monitor
    Default Monitor
    Default Monitor
    Default Monitor
    Plug and play Monitor

    I have uninstalled all of them and after bootup - they all re-appear.

    Has anyone come across this before, and can they offer an explanation as to why it happens and also a possible resolve.........?

  2. p4_tt

    p4_tt Active member

    Feb 3, 2004
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    Are you pluging the mointer into a VGA(graphics card) port?
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2004
  3. baabaa

    baabaa Active member

    Jan 7, 2003
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    ah, forgot to mention the graphics card setup.....

    GeForce FX5200 256Mb.AGP

    I only run this as standard and default settings.

    I have uninstalled the graphics adapter and the default moniotrs/plug and play monitor.
    Let windows reboot and find the new hardware etc and reloaded the FX5200 drivers etc and all the monitors have reappeared again.............

    Running XP Home SP2, only just happened when I plugged a different TFT in...........

    The TFT runs fine and all my windows are uncorrupt etc, it is just the fact that there are all these monitors showing up in device manager..........

    Cheers for any input..........just a little niggle I would like to resolve...........

  4. p4_tt

    p4_tt Active member

    Feb 3, 2004
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    Try rebooting the pc and the press f5 as if you were setting up windows in safe mode, there should be a start with vga mode or sumthing like that choose it and then install the graphic card software and then reboot as normal.

    Hope that helps.
  5. baabaa

    baabaa Active member

    Jan 7, 2003
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    Thanks for that, I also tried that aswell..........

    Seems like it is a common problem for Graphic cards that have multiple monitor functions available.

    Still trying, but thanks for the input..............
  6. ianski7

    ianski7 Guest

  7. baabaa

    baabaa Active member

    Jan 7, 2003
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    Thanks for that....

    Some useful information there however it does not relate to the issue I have got.

    The fact that they are not 'hidden', suggest that the drivers are actually being assigned at bootup, due to XP 'seeing something' it thinks needs a driver assigned to it, and it is seeing 4 of them, however are not needed during normal operation.

    I can disable them or leave them as they are and they do not conflict with my system at all.

    However it would be nice to get my head around why they appear, this way I can be in a position to permanently remove them so they don't come back.............

  8. ianski7

    ianski7 Guest

    Ok Baabba,I understand now!

    I am an A+ instructor and this is what I know about what is refered to as 'ghost' or 'phantom' entries in the DM.

    'Windows XP usually does a good job of managing system resources. Because most new devices are Plug And Play, along with the fact that Plug And Play is much better now than it was when it first debuted, XP can normally assign system resources in such a manner that they don’t conflict.

    The problem is that sometimes Windows XP becomes confused. If you swap hardware around enough inside of a workstation, XP may leave resources assigned to a device that doesn't exist. These settings may conflict with a new device and cause the new device to not function.'

    You dont seem to have a conflict but the swapping is applicable.
    There are three main causes:
    1. Some devices are not present as windows boots but are present after the boot....eg monitors
    windows only detects the device after the boot-when its turned on-and loads another driver thinking its a new device. One phantom driver!
    2.Devices that are not working properly will cause confusion for windows--device unknown. Windows will guess and load the driver that it 'thinks' is correct-not the correct one.
    3.Manufacturers strive to make machines that will anticipate the hardware/drivers that need to be installed and if there are allocated resources for lets say 4 monitors--you guessed it, the drivers may be installed.

    PnP is not as straight forward as many think--what is?

    It appears that you use the generic pnp drivers for your monitor. This may be part of the confusion for windows--why not use the appropriate driver for the monitor?
    I hope this helps you a little........

    P.S what's a niggle?

  9. baabaa

    baabaa Active member

    Jan 7, 2003
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    aka...A slight problem/issue that is not a major concern.

    Thanks for that ianski7, what you have put, and what I have read, it does seem to have a bearing on the actual moniotr used.

    I uninstalled the moniors and the graphics card.
    On bootup, XP reported a new VGA graphics controller detected.
    Inserted Graphics card cd and loaded required software/drivers.
    Then I looked into device manager, and my monitor number was displayed there as monitor (No other default monitors were there) - what I would expect.
    Then windows reported new plug and play monitor detected.
    When I click ok to install - it is at this point when all the default monitors are installed.

    It does seem relative to the PnP drivers installed as you stated.(XP confused)

    I shall try and obtain something for it and see if it overcomes my 'niggle'..............

    In the past I have never had a monitor that required drivers and also never purchased a monitor that had a driver disc with it..........

    But yes, I think what you have stated seems to tie in with this quite nicely.

    Many thanks...........
  10. ianski7

    ianski7 Guest

    My pleasure Baabaa!

    Your quite right.Mostly all monitors don't require specific drivers to operate but if XP is 'confused',loading specific drivers may clear the issue.
    I'm curious - what brand system do you use?

    If your still looking for an answer.......

    Check out these Freaks!!!!

  11. baabaa

    baabaa Active member

    Jan 7, 2003
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    System specs:

    ECS 648FX Motherboard
    P4 2.4GHz 800fsb HT
    1Gb PC3200 DDR Ram
    GeForce FX5200 AGP graphics
    Windows XP SP2 Home Edition
    Proview 15" BM-568 TFT

    My graphics card has 3 outputs - 15 pin analog/svideo/dvi

    I am beginning to wonder whether windows is actually detecting the seperate outputs on the graphics card, but as there is nothing connected to 2 of them, maybe it thinks there is and assigning the 'defaults' to it....

    Thanks for the url, a plodding we will go.........
  12. p4_tt

    p4_tt Active member

    Feb 3, 2004
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    I have the same GC except its a PCI, when i formated my HDD for the first time i also had the excact same prob youre having, I tryed the VGA mode and installed the software for the GC and it worked fine(no other mointers detected), Windows detects the hardware and trys to install the right driver but does it wrong

    anyway goodluck
  13. baabaa

    baabaa Active member

    Jan 7, 2003
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    Well, I have installed 6 different manufacturers of moniotrs/TFT etc.

    The result is exactly the same, so I have to assume it is an issue between the Nvidia drivers and XP ones, I think there maybe a little battle going on inside......

    Another sure test would be to try a different brand AGP card I suppose........

    I shall plod on anyway, but is not a major concern as everythings still running good so if I come across anything more solid and get a result I shall post the results.

    Many thanks guys for all your input, I have picked up on a few things along the way - you CAN teach an old dog new tricks.........LOL
  14. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    is your video driver uptodate from Nvidia. had that problem with a 92meg Oxygen card for WinME showed 3 video cards. couldn't resolve problem as there was no ME driver as company bellyup
  15. baabaa

    baabaa Active member

    Jan 7, 2003
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    Good question and I think the answer would actually be no.

    You have actually just highlighted something to me.

    The original drivers etc are the ones that came on the original disc.
    XP update does have the Nvidia drivers available but I haven't downloaded them as of yet, but yes this may solve the problem.

    I have just constructed a new PC with XP SP2 with onboard graphics and the same monitor installed and guess what.......no default monitors all over the place.......

    This does in fact point to the Nvidia drivers and maybe the fact that graphics card as discussed is at the heart of the problem.

    Now what I would like to do is obtain the Nvidia drivers as posted by XP update as a seperate file/install so I can install/uninstall at will without having to download them.

    Any ideas where I could get them in that format?
  16. ianski7

    ianski7 Guest

  17. baabaa

    baabaa Active member

    Jan 7, 2003
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    LMFAO.............I thought I had common sense.......

    Thanks for the savvy adjustment ianski7, shall have a look now, thanks...............
  18. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Ive encountered that a few times, shouldnt be more than a minor annoyance really. You can try specificying the monitor ... that should clear it up (specify the monitor via Display Settings rather than Device Manager)
  19. baabaa

    baabaa Active member

    Jan 7, 2003
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    Praetor is back and has stampeded the forum........LOL.

    Yes, I installed the latest nvidia drivers and also some others but no improvements.

    In the display settings, it has 2 loaded up, first one is plug and play and second one is default.
    If I disable the default, then 1 default vanishes from device manager.

    You're right just a little annoyance, but no impact on the running of the machine.

    If I forget about it, then I won't remember that they are there.......................forgotten......where am I ..........
  20. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Cant seem to leave y'all to keep it clean and pretty :p

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