Check this out, if you are a penny pincher or high gas prices get your panties all in a wad, this may help you save a buck or three... Just enter your zip code and you will be given the best gas prices in your area, updated daily.
It must have it is again.
That site is always 1 or 2 days behind with the prices ... the way gas prices go up and down here in Indiana, that might as well be forever ... Sunday afternoon, I saw prices ranging from $2.44 to $2.54 all over Anderson, In
@Auslander Good to see a Mizzou member on AD!! I'm in KC myself. I just cried when the Jayhawks lost....... NOT!!!!! Strat
tell me about it. I live in California, which has the highest gas prices, with the exception of Hawaii I think. $2.79 is the average here in Los Angeles. If only I didn't have to commute 50 miles a day to work! When will those damn hydrogen cars be ready!!
scoop: i just suffered from strong winds/rain. a few miles down the road, though, house were taken off the ground. so far, i've been quite lucky
i really wish gas prices would go back down to 80 cents like it was four or five summers ago. if it was like that then i would have lots of extra money.
The way I see it, I don't need to bash Bush ... He does a good enough job on his own For any of you who are fed up with the two parties who have been ruling this poor country for what seems like forever ... there IS an alternative ... go to the following link, check out what they have to say and put some thought into what you learn ... And if you think Bush is getting rich during his rule as president .. think about Dick(less) Cheney ... Wow! The Bush family musta owed him big time to hook his criminal arse up the way they did ... Gas here is $2.48 this evening ...
if anyone is stupid enough to think ONE person has control over fuel prices then everyones alot dumber than i even thought. and if you belive this your a plain idiot !!!!!!! i knew this would turn into a damn political thread as always you all need to watch fox new channel and get informed so guess its!!!!!!!!! [bold] REPORTED!!!!!!![/bold]
and anyway why the hell do we need threads on fuel prices , GAS IS TO F@#K#I@ HIGH !!!!!!and has been for several years it aint new news people. get use to it or ride a bike,walk or move to iraq or get off your ass and do something about it!!!!!!