my dvd-rom is a samsung dvd-rom sd-616e. i used to use it but i don't know what happen. when i look at the properties it'll show: device type: dvd/cd-rom drives manufacturer: Standard cd-rom drives location: location 0(0) what do i need to do?
Do you mean it won't play DVDs and CDs? When you insert a nonblank CD or DVD does the name of the DVD or CD appear in My Computer? Try reinstalling the drive as follows: Go to Device Manager Start menu -> Control Panel -> System -> Hardware tab -> Device Manager button Click the "+" beside DVD/CD-ROM drives Right click on the name of ther drive and select Uninstall Restart your system WinXP will do a fresh reinstall of the drive when restarting.
it won't play anything. it doesn't show the name of the cd. i attempted to uninstall the drive and restart but it won't work. i follow your every steps. i think it did reinstall but it'll be the same. any other ideas?
Shutdown the system. Remove the power cord. Remove the cover. There should be instructions in your manual if not obvious. Locate your drive. Make sure cable is securely inserted into drive socket. Trace cable to motherboard. Make sure cable is secure in that socket. If you have a spare cable about, try replacing the cable. You may just have a bad drive. They're cheap to replace. You can get a DVD/CD burner for $40, a DVD/CD ROM for even less although there isn't much point to buy a single purpose drive in this day and age.
Good Advice. I would consider the drive to be on its way out with the described behavior. However, a loose or bad IDE cable could cause this problem also.