LONG story short, I have a drive that is locked, I have tried ALL the eeproms I have (about 5) and none of them will unlock the drive. I locked the drive with xboxhdm so I tried the master passwords of XBOXSCENE , XBOX SCENE , TEAMASSEMBLY . I have tried using atapwd and MHDD. MHDD- gives FAIL after every password password attempt atapwd- Rejected by drive (something to that effect) could a bad HDD not unlock? I heard there was a firmware workaround for Seagate Drives, but what about WD? Anything Else I can try?
If you locked it with an eeprom, chances are that one of them will unlock it! Go through them again...
lol, yeah i did, and still nada, trust me I went through them ALL, hell i even connected the drive to all the xboxs and still got the same error code (6) im perrty sure the drive is just bad and somthing failed in the locking process.
That's a shame! Was it just the stock drive? They aren't worth much, if it was a 500GB or something... You can pickup replacement drives on eBay pretty cheap. I bought a bulk lot of 10GB drives a while back for $30, got 12 of them. Perfect for just this sort of situation! Any PC drive will do, use an eeprom reader to ensure locking is correct!