i was going to upgrade my Harddrive in my xbox and i saved everything and used xboxhdm_v1.9. well i got it all finished and then i decided to lock the hard drive. i used a 3.5 floppy to lock it and it said it would save my pw. i set my password to something i could remember and the hard drive didnt work in my xbox. so i took it back out planning to try again but its locked and it wont unlock. is it a paperweight now? or can i unlock it somehow. its a 40 gb seagate from a computer. i have my eeprom saved from my 40 gb on the floppy but the key it saved will not work to unlock it or either im not doing it right. tried using my xbox hd key and it wouldnt either. i also tried to go in atapwd and type master pw XBOXSCENE and that doesnt work either. WHAT DO I NEED TO DO?
I think you need to use a program like Killdisk to totally Re-Write the HD blank and Start over . Not sure if that will help but I know Killdisk works very well .. Good Luck... Heres a link : http://killdisk.com/
i put it in computer and run kill disk (free version) said it would write 00's it wouldnt work the progress bar never moved. what setting do i need to use. how can i kill disk in windows if windows wont read the drive?
yes it came up and said what it was but since it was the free version it said it could only do one pass write 00 and i tried that but it wouldnt work. just set there HD light flashed and floppy growled and the progress bar never moved after 5 minutes. in the log file from killdisk i got this. start kill method Sat Jan 21 16:24:23 2006 ..\IMPL\ext\_kill.cpp (283) m_ident:0000-0000 Sat Jan 21 16:24:24 2006 ..\IMPL\ext\_kill.cpp (434) Hard Disk Drive (80h) Total Sectors[78165360] Sectors per track[63] Bytes per sector[512] 01/21/2006 16:24:33 0201-0401: Error [1] writing sector 0 to 80h. 01/21/2006 16:24:44 0201-0401: Error [1] writing sector 0 to 80h. 01/21/2006 16:24:54 0201-0401: Error [1] writing sector 0 to 80h. 01/21/2006 16:25:05 0201-0401: Error [1] writing sector 0 to 80h. and on and on
what i dont get is i have my HD key and the master password is suppose to be XBOXSCENE and it will not unlock the drive. is there any other software that can unlock a drive using the HD key?
I am expiriencing the same exact problem with xboxhdm, booted the floppy and everything. It won't boot the xbox its locked and can't unlock it with the passwork it asked me for when I locked which was xboxscene and also the master pw by default. idots?????