Alright, so I successfully locked and prepared my hard drive with xboxhdm 1.9. The problem is, I used the NDure 1.1 installer which installs a virtual C drive, so when I copied over the C drive, it didn't copy the softmodded partition, but the virtual un modded one. I'm trying a different method of softmodding now that I have the eeprom, but I can't unlock the drive because xboxhdm is now saying it can't find a hard drive on the primary master, although my motherboard BIOS says its there and is primary master. Does anyone have any solutions to this problem? Any help is greatly appreciated.
Did you backup your files first? because if so then all you would need to do is take the C & E folders from you backup and replace the current folders.
Well I backed up my C and E drives, but the problem is that the C drive was actually the virtual drive. But that's not really the problem, the problem is I can't access my hard drive with xboxhdm. It's not acknowledging the hard drive set as the primary master. EDIT: After booting to xboxhdm and selecting 3 to boot with locking/unlocking tools, it takes a lot longer to get to the console, and I get a few errors, including one that says DMA is disabled. Also, I have no problem locking and unlocking my original xbox hard drive. EDIT 2: I just tried booting xboxhdm's DOS and I get the error "Error reading partition table drive 00 sector 0"