Lockerz Account 13000+ PTZ, GOLD Z-Listed $100 or offers

Discussion in 'Sell your stuff' started by producerkb, Sep 13, 2010.

  1. producerkb

    producerkb Guest

    Hi. This Lockerz account has over 13000+ PTZ and is GOLD Z-Listed! GOLD Z-List is the new feature where you can earn up to 4x the normal points you get! You can redeem just about everything on redemption and gain your points back up in no time! These points can be used in SHOP for great discounts! (NEW Xbox 360 S 4 GB for $150-$120!!). All these points are legit and I have been answering dailies everyday, watching alot of videos (Alot Left!), and Inviting people to the site (41 to be exact). Those who are buying should already know about Lockerz.

    I'm selling this for $100

    Thank You!

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    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 15, 2010
  2. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    1) Our site is not an auction service. You must indicate the asking price when posting a "for sale" post. Furthermore, you must note whether the postal fees are included within the asking price or not.

    no email posting as per forum rules, post edited.
  3. producerkb

    producerkb Guest

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