can anyone here tell me about windows longhorn what is it used for is it any good to a home computer or is it more for business i am running windows xp pro
Well you are kind of in the wrong forum for this. This forum is for backing up DVD's, this would have been better off posted in the PC forum. At any rate Longhorn is just another working name for the OS that Microsoft will come out with next year, called Vista. If you want more info on it just google and you will get a shedload. I tried the Beta version of Vista when MS made it available to the public for a limitted time, it still has numerous problems which hopefully will get cleared up by the release. If you are planning on using Vista then I would go to the Microsoft site and check and make sure your PC is up to it, as Vista is a big resource pig.
Arrniebear is right. Longhorn is now called Vista (next OS from windows). I also had it installed and liked the interface on it but like Arrniebear said it is still in Beta release and has bugs. He aalso sugested to go to the Vista site and make sure your computer had the reqiured specs to run it. That is a good idea. You also need to look up your hardware and make sure there are Vista drivers out to run the hardware you have. Not all manufactures have Vista drivers out yet. Check out what program's you use on your computer. Not all programs are compatible with Vista at this time either. So you need to do youir homework and check out all the above to find out if Vista would be worth your time to install.
@larrylje I agree the looks of Vista is nice, however I had troubles with my SB soundcard installation. I have an Audigy2 ZS Platinum, Vista did find a driver after I told it to search the internet, but the SB sw would not install, and you could not use any of the programs that came with it. So unless hardware makers are going to put out something to where this is remedied you may end up buying new stuff. Also read that you will have to have a pretty good graphics card to run all the bells and whistles in Vista. I could get some sw to run, but the majority of it was not Vista ready, and after just being able to play with the internet, which did work, I finally went back to nice easy XP.