Oh mien gott! That is awesome! You have to send me some; 18 Iwannakookie St, kookky land. Man! I think i'm going to try that... Post the recipie!
the recipe was from a site called PIMP THAT SNACK. i dont know if any non-british people know about it. ( it was on a tv show called the f word ) ( f = food ) heres the link -- http://www.pimpthatsnack.com/project.php?projectID=282 its my favorite site ¦¬D **EDIT** im actually making another one right now. just going to put it in the oven. YAY!!
@the craic...I thought Brits called cookies "bisquits"? And, on that subject, I just saw Irelands "Hoagie" ... another tid-bit with a dozen different names. But can you call a hoagie and sandwich or are they two different things? Semantics are so very important.
well, umm, we do call them biscuits, except cookies remain cookies. eg. we call things like ginger snaps, digestives, bourbons, custard creames, and things of that sort biscuits. also the cookie is crunchy and chewey. it mades it soo good. ¦¬) NOTE: if anybody does make this ensure that you use margerine and not butter as it makes the world of difference when puting it on a baking tray.
ate it ages ago. when it was still a bit warm. then i made another one, but i've still got a bit left.
if your talkin about the lil' messy bit, well thats because it almost fell when we were taking it out the oven ( so it was still soft ) and me and my m8 had to some quick thinkin. just lucky it wasn't my hand. 190 degrees C. awch!!