Ok budget will be a little under 800 bucks maybe 900. I know that I might be expecting to much from present to mid January because lots of things change in just a few months. Pretty much I'm looking for some thing to think and dream about with in the few months it will take me to make the money. I love to play steam games like Team Fortress 2 and Half Life, but I also wouldn't mind playing some of the new generation games like Wolfenstien and Fear 2, or hell even Bioshock(I know it's a little older but always wanted to play it.) Is any of this possible with in my cash limit, also over heating issues concern me, I really don't want to have to worry about playing a game to long, and also burning my crotch. Any insight or links to my dream computer would be much appreciated.
You cant really build a laptop like you can with a desktop. You can but its going to be alot more difficult and more expensive. You can go through builders like Dell, and HP and customize things a bit but your not going to have total freedom.
Well yeah, I wouldn't mind buying one from a company that is prebuilt. But I don't know the first thing when it comes to buying a laptop especially one that has some gaming capabilities. Just looking for some links or some advice on what to look for in a laptop.
I recommend the HP HDX series. The Core 2 Duo version has pretty good cooling ability and the GTX260M is pretty solid card but you can optionally get a ATI card that might perform better. Not really up to date on mobile hardware.
Dell XPS really, and ideally with an ATI card, or an extended warranty. If you use an nvidia mobile chip, you will need one.
Of course there are other options, but despite the prejudices that people seem to have, Dell make among the highest quality laptops out there. Toshiba and HP are also worthy alternatives, but everyone has their own horror stories about them as well.
I agree with Sam over all. Dell makes great laptops but I think HP is making an incredible laptop in the HDX series.