I recently put together a Athlon II x2 system with 2 gigs of DDR2 800 memory.I have a Antec 400w power supply and would like to add a PCI 2.0 x16 video card. I got a Gateway 1080p 21.5 inch monitor with HDMI input. I am working with on board GFX right now that gives me a Windows 7 Aero rating of 4.2. I would like something that will give me a rating closer to 5.0 but isn't too much for my power supply. I was thinking about http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127458 but I am unsure if that will help.My mobo also has onboard crossfire it is Radeon 4200,can that card crossfire well with my onboard? Thanks to anyone who can help,I have not had much experience with video cards.
The HD4670 (cost about 80.00) would probably be more powerful for you and give you a higher rating. My 4670 ran fine on my phenom 9750 (95 watts) , 4 x hard drives and a 400 watt power supply. This video card is also very good for playing games. The card I have doesn't have a HDMI output (requires a dvi to HDMI adapter). I also have the HD4350 (39.00), These are very good cards I have 2 of them. It's a very low wattage card with decent performance. These cards do have the HDMI output built-in. You cannot crossfire an onboard video with a PCI-e video card. You can only crossfire 2 PCI-e cards. If you want to crossfire the 4670 it would be better for you, that's closer to a gaming video card then the 4350 or 4550. the 4350/4550 are fanless and design for home theatre uses.
Also my board has ATI Hybrid Crossfire. http://www.biostar-usa.com/app/en-us/mb/content.php?S_ID=433 what would be a good card to crossfire with? or is it not worth it to crossfire?