Hi all I can't remember the name of this little proggy that runs in the background and removes the css encryption. I would also like to know if it will work with interVidio DVD COPY 2 GOLD and if anyone has used DVD COPY 2 GOLD and their opinion of it. I can get it for $20 off and would like to have another backup program just to play with. Thanks, any replies will be appreciated.
Thanks jacota20, Does it work with any backup program that does not break the css encryption? Will it work with the proggy listed above? Thanks again.
The other one is DVD43 1.4 (Free) http://dvd43.com/ You'll need to install patin-couffin driver layer: http://www.mtc-comp.com/vso/patin-couffin_setup.exe
One more question, I tried a trial version of a dvd backup proggy that did not break the css encryption but was supposed to compress, analyse, and burn. I had dvd43 and patin caufin but when I went to use the software it said the dvd was css encrypted and would not work. The proggy I tried was Intervidio dvd copy 2. Ok, now for my question, does dvd43 and patin caufin have to be in the same folder in order for dvd43 to work? I didn't have them in the same folder. I read somewhere to put them in the same folder. Thanks, any help will be appreciated.
Nah, DVD43 and patin-couffin needn't be in the same folder. DVD43 is decent enough I suppose but if you want something similar but incredibly better you should check out Slysoft's AnyDVD
Thanks Nephilim, I'll look into it. Could you give me some insight on my thread in the dvd shrink forum please. Got me baffled.