I've been shopping around and this seems to be the best deal i can find. Anyone have a better deal than this? TY http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16822144392
You could look at this one: http://shop1.outpost.com/product/4596277?site=sr:SEARCH:MAIN_RSLT_PG It's 300GB, and I think that will be enough. I have a 200GB in my Xbox, and I've had it for about a year, and have only used like 30GB of it. So it you want to go like 25 bucks cheaper, than you could go for this.
I'm a firm believer in the Western Digital drives but in my 1.6 i opted to go cheap and stuck a 70 dollar 300 gig Maxtor DiamondMax in it and couldn't be happier with it. I've got it partitioned for no G drive F has everything and it's got 70+ games loaded to it and a good bit of free space left (100+ gig) the WD you linked to is a JB and they are excellent drives and I've got one in my PC as the D drive and wouldn't trade it for any other IDE drive (but i would for another SATA). kc
your best deal would have been day after thanksgiving when you could have gotten a WD 250gig for $59.99 but now i would go with the last one posted
Topped that one, sorry. Got two 320GB drives at Fry's for $59.99 each. There was a monster line when I arrived at 5AM, but I got in within 18 minutes and 5 minutes later, was out the door. I didn't bother looking or fighting over anything else. The drives are fully lockable and are working great in my 1.4 with an X3 and 1.6 with a Duox2. $80 for a 300-320 is a good deal.
Hey, you can also use this Website: http://xboxdrives.x-pec.com/?p=list This will give a list of compatible HDD's that will work for the Xbox.