Looking For A Simple Way To Make a complied Music Video DVD with one title several chapters

Discussion in 'Other video questions' started by djbillt, Feb 4, 2006.

  1. djbillt

    djbillt Member

    Feb 4, 2006
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    Oh no, I do not know where to post this, and this my fist post, so here I go.... First I want to say a BIG THANK YOU for this site. I needed software for some projects (DVD Decrypter / DVD Shrink / daemon347) and I found them here, and they work fabulously ! Now.... that I have completed that project, I am moving on the next project and I am not having any success, so I am turning to AfterDawn for help. I thought my next project was going to be simple. I was very wrong, and after several weeks of trying different downloads (and purchases) I am at wits end :( Here is what I need to do.... I have hundreds of promotional music videos on HiFi VHS. Using a professional video mixer and a freestanding consumer DVD recorder I have started to copy them to DVD. Using the "SP" mode I can get about 20 music videos to a DVD. They look and sound great, but... now I need to take them from the DVD and rather than having 20 titles I want to make one title and 20 chapters, with a top menu so I can get to them fast. Trying to "advance" 20 titles on a DVD is rather slow, so I need to find out what software is EASY you do this with. I simply want to copy the contents of the DVD to a folder on my desktop, then open the "mystery" software, create a top menu, then create the chapters, then transfer the contents of the folder to the new DVD. Any help would be appreciated, and the simpler the better. Feel free to email or even call me, or I can call you if you can help. Thank you !!! edited by ddp
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2006
  2. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    djbillt, read the forum rules above about posting & advertising. your other 2 threads closed
  3. djbillt

    djbillt Member

    Feb 4, 2006
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    Wow, sorry, I do not understand what I did wrong, I was just trying to get some help.
  4. umug

    umug Regular member

    Nov 25, 2005
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