Hello guys, This is my first post so please try to be forgiving. I'm doing a lot of tech work for my friends, trying to get myself a lot of experience first hand. I am looking for a windows usb installer that will install any type of windows onto a usb drive. Such as have the ability to take the .iso or just read directly from the disc on another drive and make the usb bootable. I keep having a lot of aspire ones/Dell mini notebooks (aka junk lol) that need a reinstallation of windows...and instead of just running a bunch of different programs, I was wondering if there was ONE that would make it easier. I know there is a specific one that installs Windows 7 and a separate one that installs windows xp but I was just wondering if they made an all-in-one package. Another example maybe the one for linux distributions called UnetBootin. It installs all types of linux distributions on an external drive... Can anyone point me in the right direction, thanks a bunch!
could y ou tell me the ones that work with win xp please as having a lot of shit trying to install of usb to a netbook