Seems to be the place to post this. Im looking for songs or audio tracks with amazingly high bass! if anyone knows of any let me know!
T.I.'s 2006 album "King" has some good bass on it. There's also the classic Dru Down's "Can U Feel Me?". There are also many companies that make extreme bass mix CDs too. what do you need a lot of bass for, are you testing out your system or something?
Hi bass or low bass. I think you want low bass that is the powerful stuff. The Beatals help album has a tune with a tuba that plays a very low note. Black Sabath, Black Sabath, Black Sabath starts out with a thunder storm. There is a fantastic recording of thunder. I warn you very very few speakers or even sub woofers will produce those low tones that would vibrate 6 floors of concrete block. Each floor thought the stereo making the sound was on their floor. Those tones were under 6 Hz. Because the second best stereo on the floor with 20" speakers did not reproduce those tones and the woofers could reproduce 6 Hz. My ear buds that also reproduce down to 6 Hz don't play them either. You can also download a sound generator an see where your system cuts out.
More rescent tunes would be Under a Violet Moon by Blackmore's Night. The CD has some base drum and thunder sprinkled in it. These are higher notes than the ones I mentioned before. I guess is those are too low for most systems to pick up.