ok im looking to buy the best and easies instalation for a xbox. it sthe one that screws to the mother board then you have to flash bios o somthing llike that. im looking for that chip and is it good?
i think the xbit is the easiest to install and flash a bios to. That is the one that i have. Any questions on where to get it pm me
Solderless X-Ecuter Plus 2.3 is what I hear is one of them. http://www.modchip.ca is where one place you can look for one. They sent my order without any problems. Shop around. Be careful for fraudulent chips out there!
icarbutt is right, I used solderless for a few times, but solder have a far better connection I switched to them, I never get calls from people I modded for now saying "my xbox stopped working" etc. Solderless tend to stop working with the slightest move, although the 2.3b is better than previous x2 chips as they made the d0 pin "sharper".if you simply MUST use solderless, go for a 2.3b lite (plus version if you want a cromwell bios to allow u to flash from a disc) make sure you have a very clean and good connection on the d0 on the board, (if you can see the metal of the pcb area, you should be ok)
my solderless xbit has not moved out of place yet i have had it in for almost a year i move my xbox around all the time i guess i just am lucky
btw system-mods.com and get-modded.com are very good retailers of chips too (walmart sell good chips......but they wont fit in your xbox, as theyd probably crumble..........oh gawd, and its saturday too!! that was awful1)
Would it matter which flavor? which would be the easiest to flash a bios to? would ripples work better than lays cause they have the ripples in them?
if you wanna do it the easy way, and youre not too hot at soldering etc, you can get the xecuter 2.3b lite plus, it comes with a cromwell bios thats flashable from dvd/cd but THE d0 CAN BE A PAIN IT THE BUTT!! depending on the xbox model (1.0 are easy peezy, the d0 is more isolated) andres dude you have an xbit and never had to even clean up the d0 yea? so that chip may be even easier I dunno anyway Im going to make a cuppa
I stopped using no solder mods, theyre a pain (cept andres xbit, psst I think he glued it, hehehe j/k) I use solder mods always now, theyre cheaper, get a better connection, shake your xbox, and it still boots from the chip. Andres dude, ok ok I admit it, youre just GOOD!! lol _X_X_X_X_X_[small]PC SPEC: XP 3000+ (overclocked) asus 2x fsb 400, 768mb ddr 2700, ati pro 128mb, pioneer a106 w/ hacked firmware XBOX SPEC: ver.1.2 with Xecuter 2.3-4983 bios,80gb hdd,Samsung sdg605,evox,xbmc,xbmp,dvdxr,xprogear, mame0x w/ 1,500 roms, kawax w/ 100 roms[/small]
I would recommend the OzXodus Xenium Solderless modchip, these are the most advanced SOLDERLESS XBOX MODS out there. They are the 4th Generation of Xbox mods while all the other chips mentioned so far are either 2nd or 3rd Gen. The Xenium chip comes with its own OS built into the chip. I would recommend this chip to anyone with an XBOX they are AMAZING!!! I got mine here: http://www.xbox-modchips.com/xenium-solderless.htm they have great prices too!! unlike OVER PRICED modchip.ca :|
Also a note on Fraudulent chips, I noticed someone mentioned Modchip.ca and how they were relaible and sold official chips.... well about 2 months ago the Makers of the OzXodus Xenium(www.ozxodus.com) chips announced MODCHIP.CA is a FRAUDULENT MODCHIP DEALER, so watch out everyone
i want to buy a chip for my xbox but there are somany chips out there. can some one help me get a good chip that would allow me to get more momory and to be able to burn xbox games on it and play burned xbox games or just a chip that would let me play burned games send me an email to (cooldood05wc@yahoo.com) and i will be very thankfull
To: Jimmy42...Thanks for the warning, but I bought a Mod for my PS2 and Xbox from modchip.ca or modchip.com (U.S. customers), and they work perfectly fine. For the other company to say they are fraudulent could be true, or may not be. It is only a company putting another company down. I agree with you to be very careful for chips that are not the real thing. Doi your homework.