Hi everyone, just looking for a general direction since I'm going to buy a DS soon. First off, which do I buy? DS lite, DSi, etc. (I have no idea what the differences are). Which do you recommend. Secondly, is there a firmware or special thing needed to play downloaded games (I know there's something involving a card; is there also firmware here?). Could you just post the links for the guides? Lastly, what's the best place to buy the DS for the cheapest price?
Hey sorry for the double post; is the DSi XL worth it? Can I still play downloaded games on it? can I get a link for the whole process and what to get? Thanks again
Thanks for responding; so the DSi itself doesn't need to have a specific firmware for the acekard2i to work? If I buy it from the store do I need to downgrade or upgrade the DSi's firmware to a specific version? I saw a video that shows how to install the acekard2i (uploading the latest firmware on your microsd then inserting that microsd into your acekard2i).
DSlite or DSi - they remain untouched (unless you buy a cheap card that will only work on 1.3 or 1.4 then you have to upgrade - downgrade is not possible) Acekard is a great card - avoid anything with R4 in the name and you will be fine
Thanks for the help guys; so from what I understand, if I have a proper acekard2i it should work with the dsi just fine regardless of the version?