Lost MS Dash Backup, ***Please Help***

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by mickhunt, May 16, 2006.

  1. mickhunt

    mickhunt Member

    May 16, 2006
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    Hi, I softmodded my xbox and forgot to to Backup the Ms Dash. can anyone point me to the Factory system files for the xbox so i can totally restore my Hard Drive or does ne one know how i can go about restoring it (without purchasing a disk).

    I tried wiping my hard drive and installing the Original files back on, but everytime the black XBOX screen comes up it just restarts my Xbox so i just stuck UnleashedX back on it.

    If ne one can help me please reply as i am trying to sell my xbox to buy a 360 and i need the MS Dash back so the store will buy it,

    Thanks alot

    Paul Carrie
    Last edited: May 16, 2006
  2. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

  3. xBMODSx

    xBMODSx Guest

    yeah it should be in backup on E: folder!
  4. Paleo1

    Paleo1 Member

    May 20, 2006
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    Yea, I am in the same situation. I am currently downloading the MS dash from the link given 2 posts above. When I am done downloading it, what do I do with it? Do I FTP it to my xbox? If I do, what do I put it under? (i.e.- E:>etc.>etc.; C:>etc.>etc.; etc. etc....)
    If I dont FTP it to my xbox, what do I do with the download then?

    Thanks for your taking your time and answering my question whomever is going to!
  5. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

  6. Paleo1

    Paleo1 Member

    May 20, 2006
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    That is just how to play games online for free with Xlink Kai and XBC, that doesnt really pertain to my question much.

    BTW: FTP does work for me, I just need to know where to put MS dash...not anything else (I already clicked the FTP tutor link, it just shows me how to set up so you can ftp...Ive already done that.)

    I all I need to know is how to FTP MS dash to your xbox. Like what to put it in (EXACTLY: Please not just C:, or D:, I want to know exactly in C: or D: to put it, if its more specific then that.)

    Sorry if I sound bossy, but Ive tried EVERYTHING, and nothing is working. Im now relying on the help of other people on the internet.
    Once again, I am sorry, but Im extremely desperate.
    Last edited: May 20, 2006
  7. floz99

    floz99 Guest

    yea where does The ms Dash Go under waer in the E folder ??

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