
Discussion in 'DVDR' started by ertchel, Jun 3, 2006.

  1. ertchel

    ertchel Guest

    Recently downloaded a Movie"Bandidas" after playing it on my computer decided it would become a keeper, but would like to see it on the big screen. It downloaded as AVI format and I went through the steps to change to DVD. Tried it first in mySony combination VHS/DVD burner player and all I can get is an ERROR message and Stop/Close. So tried another Sony my wife uses "A Player" and it came back with a message that wrong area to play it. So went scrounging and tried using several programs to remove all that stuff or change that with ziltch results. Can still play it on my computer as it has the proper Codecs installed, but how can I get that on my regular household Players? I am thick as mud, so if you tell me something, PLEASE make it simple for a 73 year old ex- nuclear specialist. I really do need some good help and education as a newbie in this Movie stuff. Just remember when you first started and that is the fix I am in. Dobe
  2. laddyboy

    laddyboy Regular member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    What conversion program did you use?

    These are the ones that seem most widely used:

    VSO's ConvertXtoDVD: http://www.vso-software.fr/products/convert_x_to_dvd/
    DVD Copy 4 Platinum: http://www.intervideo.com/jsp/InterVideoDVDCopy_Profile.jsp
    TMPGEnc Express 3: http://tmpgenc.pegasys-inc.com/en/product/te3xp.html
    DVD Santa: http://www.dvdsanta.com/
    The Film Machine: http://members.home.nl/thefilmmachine/
    NeroVision: http://ww2.nero.com/enu/index.html

    All have free trials that are mostly fully functional with the exception of ConvertXtoDVD which watermarks its output in its trial version.

    Edit: DVD Santa watermarks as well I believe in the trial version.

    ConvertXtoDVD is very popular. Here's a guide to its use:


    It's also important to use good quality media like Verbatim, Taiyo Yuden, and Made in Japan labeled Sony and Fuji.

    What program did you use to burn the disk? What brand, type (+R-R), and speed of media did you use? What is the brand and model number of your burner?
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2006
  3. ertchel

    ertchel Guest

    First THANKS for the answer and information.
    Conversion Used: AVI Video Converter 7.5 The second time.
    First time I am not sure what it was as I got mad and chucked it. I have tried so many different things that I forgot most of it. But I do know what I have and the first one you suggested I have:VSO ConvertXtoDVD.I also burned the first time after converting with the unknow with DVDShrink by adding the Files.Didn't Play.
    Next burn was with the AVI Converter after the conversion.
    Last time around I used Nero Vision that came with Nero and I have updated my Nero several times and am now using the v7.0.8.2 and held back on the newer one because of some of the chat going on about it. I'm about ready to drop back to the 6.6 version altho I am not having any problems so far with what I have. Just came to me the first Conversion was with Color7 Video Converter 6.3.For the life of me I couldn't think of it earlier today. I threw a few coasters out over a period of a week or so, but no big deal if I can learn. All I have to worry about now is if I still have a good copy of the original as I moved it off of my hard drive and don't really remember where I got it from. I belong to several Forums and they sort of keep me busy, plus I am a Co-Owner of a Yahoo Group out of Montenegro borders along the Adriatic Sea which connect to the Mediterranean Sea.
    It is also in kind of a Hot area with Bosnia, Serbia, and Albania. Their Computer hook up downloads like 2 & 3 kbs when it is on.One woman's husband has the only broadband hookup in Montenegro and it uploads around 9 to 15kbs. They must have terrible servers over there. Well again THANK You for the info, I really appreciate your time and Help. I will no doubt be back until I can get it in my head straight. Take Care: Ertchel aks Don Cook
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 4, 2006
  4. rdmercer1

    rdmercer1 Active member

    Nov 11, 2004
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    say ertchel if that movie is so special to you why don't you just buy the movie and save the trouble of converting it? there should be no problems with money as you say( a 73 year old ex- nuclear specialist) with that title you should have plenty of money right? the movie is with pen cruise and selma hyait, it was all right did not fare verry good at the box office though, what laddyboy posted is right on vso converttodvd is a great program, also these forums are for backing up movies that we own or bought, so if you bought the movie great,also make sure that you put the converted movie on the right disk + or - make sure what type of disks your standalone player will support good luck
  5. IHoe

    IHoe Senior member

    May 21, 2005
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    if you are using the +R disk then you can try to booktype your drive to DVD-ROM which will make your +R disks more compatible to players, since the store bought DVDs are DVD-ROMs! It's worth a try...... read this:


    Laddyboy and Rdmercer1 gave you great advise! use it! hopefully you'll have better success..... good luck.
  6. ertchel

    ertchel Guest

    Guess I should answer the rest of the questions that Laddyboy asked. Early this morning I kept nodding off and just tried to get things down and out so I could go to bed.
    Burner: HP DVD Writer 740b No new firmware available for it.Also use a Liteon on my other computer, set up for Burning and the computer is Home Brew with AMD 1800+ and 1Gig of memory. Set up with VHS,DVD Burn and a decent 19" Monitor and TV. The computer I am using now is an HP a1230n with AMD 3700+ 2.20 gig AMD Athlon 64 1Gig of memory & ASUS Board to support it with.Windows XP Media Center Edition SP2 b2600
    Media: I have several different kinds. Verbatim +R Imation -+R, HP+R 8X and a couple off brands from OfficeMax and getting ready to order some Taiyo Yuden Premium 8X from Supermediastore as they have a 100 pack and 200 Packs on sale. I usually burn @x4 speed and have never made very many coasters before. I have leaned towards -R Media because when I first started and checking players etc they were mostly listed as compatible with that Media. I also surf the web for knowledge but in actuality I use both -&+R.

    For your WHY questions? Sure I could buy it, but that would defeat the purpose of learning something more about the Computer Business. The movie it's self is not all that important, just the idea that something didn't go according to the plan and trying to find out why. Being a Nuclear Specialist has nothing to do with burning a movie and it was just a job that the Military thought I could do and placed me there. One of the good things I done in my life was to spend 20 years and Retired in 1972 and I want to thank you for helping the US Government send me a check each month for doing so. I gather you do pay Taxes that help support me. MR Rdmercer1 Please don't send me to jail because I ran into something I liked and decided to keep. I know what this Forum is for and I know I am pushing the limit for asking such questions for such a illegal operation. By the way how many of this type Burns do you own?

    ihoe*********** Thank you friend for the answer and I am sure the people of this Forum will keep me straight and I'm sure there are a lot of experianced people out here who have ran into some of these problems and I am gratefull for all of your and their help.
    Take Care! Ertchel

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