I'm getting occasional loud static noises playing Eternal Darkness using GCSIM and also on house interiors in Harvest Moon. Any ideas on how to fix this?
ehh, not quite. its just these sudden loud bursts of static every like minute or so, its strange. ive heard of fstfix and vipertemporaryaudio fix, ive tried the latter but can't find the former, so im not sure if it would work or not.
GSoS, which I think you mean GCoS, doesn not work for the streaming method using PSO. Any other suggestions?
really, i thought there was a way to load it via the BBA maybe create a boot disk with CCoS on it maybe?
That's just the loading trying to catch up to the required data stream. It happens with all streamed games. Especially bad when it's trying to load a new area while music is playing. Best bet is to just turn the volume down, so you won't notice it. Too skippy, anyway.