whilst playing soldier of fortune 2, yes i know a realy old game but still good online fun i'm only getting about 50fps!! i cant figure out why? i should get as much as 300, i'm using windows xp pentium4 3.2, 1gb of ram and radeon x1950 pro graphics card.
Yes, you should be getting a better framerate than 50FPS, but does it really matter? The human eye can't really even register much more than that... If you run FRAPS or something and it pretty much stays on 50FPS the whole time then i guess there's a frame rate limiter on the game.
theres no limit as my friends play with between 200-300 fps, the reason i wanted more is having low fps whilst playing it online act like lag, where i'm shooting them but its not registering correctly. could my ram be "going"? and also whats the average temp for the processor whilst playing games?
Mine runs at about 35oC even under load. As for the lag... 50FPS shouldn't be doing that, more likely to be your internet connection, do you lag at all in other games online?
not really but i dont play many other games on pc because for some reason my comp is allways slow even when i just reformat, hence why i say is it my ram?, but my processor goes up to 70-80. and my internet is about 10meg