iposted a thread earlyer and dont know how people are suppose to get back to me please email me i'manidiot.com edited by ddp .could somebody please help me get started on the basics of homebrew emulators and backups already know how to transker movies mp3s and pics please help been stuck for a couple of weeks on this
no double thread posts no email addresses no help well... here's a hint... oh my what is this game icon? *presses a* look at that! that's my 'games' folder. oh my this game is xxxx.gba or xxxx.nds i can run it from the games folder i created on my sd/cf by pressing something. oh my this homebrew app is yyyy.gba or yyyy.nds i wonder if i can run it from the homebrew folder i created? read/follow/understand the rules to the best of that guy's ability. who's that guy?
bla bla bla bla still confused i know how to make folders but what folders and how many somebody please give me clear instructions