M3 DS Real and Moonshell touchscreen calibration

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by kitikapow, Apr 6, 2008.

  1. kitikapow

    kitikapow Member

    Mar 28, 2008
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    My system: nds lite, rumble ram, m3 ds real card, 4 gb sdhc

    Software: v3.2 system files for the m3 ds real, latest version of DSOrganize, latest version of Moonshell (at setup I selected ROM for M3 Adapter). Moonshell is located on the root of my sdhc card.

    My issue: I'm trying to load the full, regular moonshell application on my ds. I have tried loading it from both the M3's default browser section, and also from DSOrganize. DSOrganize and all my game roms boot up just fine. But when I try to boot Moonshell it doesn't work.

    When I boot from regular M3 DS area, it says DLDI Compatible and then just freezes up. When I try to boot from DSOrganize, screens go to black, it says:

    "Initializing FAT"

    but then after about 30 seconds it tells me:

    "Interface: DLDI
    Please wait, booting your file.

    For some reason, the file was not loadable."

    I then need to turn off the system entirely to do anything. It was my understanding that the new M3 software patches automatically- so I shouldn't need to patch anything (I didn't patch DSOrganize and there is no issue there)? Also, I have tried to run version 1.6 of Moonshell (the older version) with the same results.

    I have booted DSReader from my M3 file browser area, and that works fine.

    Any ideas on why the trouble with moonshell? I've tried to do searches and haven't found any answers.

    My video plays pretty crappy in the included software on my M3, so I'd really like to use the full Moonshell app separately and see if that helps at all. (The video I used, I converted myself using dpgtools- basically the pic freezes while the audio continues, making the video/audio off. It's annoying!)

    If there is a better app than Moonshell to try to play media in, I'd be open to those ideas as well.
  2. kitikapow

    kitikapow Member

    Mar 28, 2008
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    Ok so I DID get Moonshell to run, but it still won't load out of DSOrganize. This isn't a big deal, since I can run it out of the M3's my card section. When setting up Moonshell, I selected "Autopatch (No interface)" ROM and for some reason that works.

    The problem now seems to be that when I start up my moonshell, there are two boxes of text on the touch screen that I can't figure out how to get rid of. It appears to be one box of "credits" to someone who did something or other on the moonshell, and another box of Instructions, which have the ds buttons in english, but everything else is in Chinese or Japanese.

    There is a nice x in the corner of each box, but of course when I touch it, nothing happens. Pushing buttons doesn't help get them closed, either. Has anyone had this happen, and how did you get rid of them? They are quite annoying- as they also start to cover up the bar when I am listening to music.

    Again, version of moonshell is 1.71.

    Thanks in advance for *any* help at all anyone can give me! :)
  3. kitikapow

    kitikapow Member

    Mar 28, 2008
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    I'm finally figuring out the issue.

    My touchscreen calibration is WAY OFF when I use Moonshell. So off that I can't utilize anything that is in the top 1/4 of the touchscreen. This is why I can't close the non-english "instruction" box.

    Any fixes for this? This is the only program it is off in.
  4. kitikapow

    kitikapow Member

    Mar 28, 2008
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    Nvm it's fixed. In case anyone else has this issue- if you have rumble RAM and boot moonshell to slot 2 instead of one, problem will resolve. Apparently it is also supposed to resolve if you boot it in DSOrganize, but I couldn't test that.


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