I recently bought a an M3 DS Real from Supercard NDS which apparently turns out to be a copy. I have loaded the system file & some games onto a micro sd card to try out but it doesn,t work. Can anyone tell me if there is any fix available for this. Many thanks in anticipation.
If you bought a genuine M3 then great. Unfortunately if you bought a copy, then it is really is a DSTT or a cheap clone of an R4. There is no way of running genuine software on it, only the software they provide. Return it and get your money back, if you are offered a refund remember that it is a copy - nothing like the original with none of the features and as such worth £9 ($12) or less. Post the shop you bought it from on all the forums and let others know where not to buy.
oops didnt read it was a copy but you could give this a try - on your memory card you should have 2 folders - NDS + SYSTEM is that right ? iff not download the latest m3ds real system folder from here - http://gbatemp.net/index.php?download=3898 once downloaded unzip it and copy the SYSTEM folder to your memory card . now if you dont have a NDS folder on your memory card create one . any nds games you want to play on your m3ds real have to be unzipped and in .nds format ( they usually are when you unzip them )and also they have to go into the NDS folder . iff you want to try an alternative to the m3ds real firmware you can try m3 sakura its a bit quicker than the m3ds real firmware . sakura english from here - http://gbatemp.net/index.php?download=3481 all you do is unzip the sakura download and copy the SYSTEM folder to your memory card , job done . any more trouble or questions just let me know mate , woof811. ps. dont forget to put your .nds games in the NDS folder you have created .