read the reviews here to make up your own mind - the m3simply is limited to about 2gb memory and the m3real supports sdhc memory ie. 4 , 6 , 8 gb and so on ................... m3simply is getting a bit dated now ( though still works excellently ) m3real is pretty new and is also getting a brand new firmware upgrade called sakura , which is supposed to make it brilliant . woof811.
Don't think there is an official date for Sakura, but the recent M3 Real firmwares have been making some changes to saves etc. in preparation so it cannot be too long. And I have seen betas already (tried to use one but all the betas are still in Chinese or Japanese so I had no idea what I was doing)
LOL it looks sooo goood. btw where can i find skins for the m3 real
Rumble Pak supported games The RAM pak is required to run the Nintendo Internet Browser, it provides additional memory the browser needs to load pages.
The Japanese version is available, and some people have modified it for English. But I personally have not tried it yet.
should you wish to try out the japanese version that has been hacked to english sakura you can get it here - had it on my m3ds real a few days now , no probs so far and seems really fast and a big improvement on the original m3ds real firmware . woof811. ps. i have heard on gbatemp forums that the official english sakura will be available for download very soon .
kool You can watch music files on your PC (MP3) or video files (DPG-only format) can carry, easily portable game machine will be able to enjoy it. Japanese full support. microSD MicroSD is fully compatible with conventional. microSDHC High-speed, large capacity microSDHC to deal with moremusic files. Safety-conscious features as standard disk check. Firmware upgrades are available. Touch & slide intuitive interface provides a method adopted. Skins changing features, the overall design can be customized. SAWARE control bar to see music playback capability. AKUSESARIRANCHA that can be customized chips. pplication automatic add-on board. CTOREJUMU playback functions. MP3 / WAV / OGG music files directly renewable. Play video files directly. (DPG-only format) from