Has anyone got this combo yet? I want to get it for my ds lite so that it doesn't stick out at all. If anyone has a micro sd can they do a castlevania test: http://m3wiki.com/index.php?title=Media_Card EDIT: They just changed their URL, should go to the right place now.
This is the one I saw: http://www.divineo.com/cgi-bin/div-us/dd-ds-m3lpass.html I just noticed that it said preorder next to it in the shopping cart, Eventhough it said the release date was Aug 25. Perhaps your right about it.
It was meant to be released on the 25th, but they had set backs, hence why most places preorders say 25th.
Realhotstuff.com has 9/5 listed for the release date. I would assume that it'll perform just as well as it's larger counterparts. As long as you get a fast card, it shouldn't matter.