Hello, this is my first post here. i have the m3 real ds, 1 gig mini sd card, ds lite, 8 gig sdhc card. the problem is the 8 gig card can not load ds games. the games appear but when i try to plat them i get frozen on the creating save part. the 1 gig card works fine, both are formatted to fat 32 , i have tried various firmware versions, no lukc, i have also formated the card 3 times. the gig card was working fine, till a few hours ago. which i have spent, helliishly (a word?) trying to get the games to work. whats wrong? thanks
i guess i should add the 8gb can play ds games with save files already created on the 1gb card transfered over, it just cant create new save game files.
Try formatting the card with Panasonic's SD Formatter (use google to find) Windows does not format SD cards correctly. This has sorted out a lot of freezing problems for me - even tho it seems very unlikely - give it a go