well i recently got m3real ds and a 4gig microsdhc..and i LOVE it.. One problem..i see "PDA" on the interface when i boot m3..like where i can select my card, nds games, gba games settings etc..what do i download to be able to use PDA..Im guessing a i make a folder on the root PDA but what do i put there?? THanks in advance =D
Hey there 123124125, I'm still learning the ins and outs of the new Real too, but the PDA I do have working! 1. Download the "PDADS" file that corrosponds to your system version here: . 2. Extract the contents of the archive file to your flash card, in a folder called "PDADS". That should be it. If I remember correctly, the optional PDA.dat file is for a dictionary, but I could be wrong. Personally, I don't find the PDA functions all that useful and a little slow, although I guess that could be my flash card. I use a AT&T Blackjack cell phone, so it does all the PDA functions I need. Enjoy! TrypWyr