m3simply/r4 revolution POKEMON diamond/pearl save games

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by Bob_57, Mar 5, 2008.

  1. Bob_57

    Bob_57 Guest

    I just was wondering if ppl wanted to share the pokemon.sav with other ppl and rate them see who makes the best teams and stuff :p
  2. snorlax22

    snorlax22 Regular member

    Aug 27, 2007
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    Please don't feel unwelcome but...

    ...if you want to talk about Pokemon teams, you might have better luck here:

    Note- no discussion of hacking, .sav files, or AR's will go on there and be advised they don't suffer n00bs lightly.

    ...if you want to talk about .sav files moving Pokemon specific things around using an AR and/or Pokesav you might have better luck here:

    ...if you really want to talk about m3/r4 sav files and how to manage data on a cart, I'm sure we would be happy to discuss that here.

    Just trying to be helpful.
  3. Bob_57

    Bob_57 Guest

    Thank you

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