Mac OS X software burned in Windows

Discussion in 'Mac - General discussion' started by PeaInAPod, Aug 31, 2006.

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  1. PeaInAPod

    PeaInAPod Active member

    Nov 28, 2005
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    A science teacher of mine was displaying pictures of the solar system during the start of class and had to keep going back to restart the slide show. I told him about a program called Celestia. Heres a description from there site
    he has an iMac and I have windows. The file is downloaded as a disc image. This is the name of the file celestia-osx-1.4.1.dmg I am assuming that .dmg is a image format for Mac OS X? Can I burn this within Windows? Basically I have windows he has mac im downloading it and he needs it. How can is that possible or will there be compatibility issues?
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