im using an s video cable to us a 32 inch hdtv as my computer monitor. the cable runs from my graphics card to the video 1 slot. It looks ok but the screen looks wavy. and i just dont know what to do to make it stop. need help. thx.
Do you have DVI out, thats much better. Most newer graphics cards come with DVI-to-HDMI connectors. When I used S-Video from my laptop it looked really bad.
ok thx. do u know where i might be able to buy a dvi to hdmi cable without having to buy it online. any stores in mind? thx.
If you don't mind paying an "arm and a leg", any Brick and mortar computer store will do. Expect to pay 100-250% over online pricing. ex. Where I live the cheapest 10' DVI-HDMI cable at a store is about $21.00 USD (a computer discounter). Mail order/online is about $10.00 USD shipped. You didn't state your location. This board enjoys international participation. At least the country would help in providing a recommendation.