I have a softmodded XBox with a 160GB Hard Drive. Everything was working great. I played a game on it earlier today and everything. So here is what happened. I turned it on a few moments ago, and all it does is turn on, show the green x, the microsoft logo, and then reboots. It does this OVER and OVER and OVER... etc. I turn the XBox on by pressing the eject button and it loads up into Unleash X with no problem. But as soon as I reset, it starts going crazy again. Please help me! I REALLY don't want to have to reformat this thing again! I have over 30 games on this thing now and FINALLY got it the way I want it. Do any of you have any ideas at what may be wrong? I have even reinstalled my old XBox Hard Drive and it loads up into Evox with no problems. Please help me out and let me know what I can do to save this thing. I REALLY don't want to lose ALL these games. It took FOREVER to get them on here. Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.
can you still load unleash? if so, goto file manager and look in C drive to check MS dash files to see if they are missing.
I can go into Unleash. But I am not sure what I am supposed to be looking for. Here is what I have in the folder you asked about. There are actually two folders. For the benefit of saving time, I will tell you what is in xodash folder. There is an audio folder, a media folder, a file named update.xbe and another file called xonlinedash.xbe That is all that is in that folder. Is this the folder you are asking about?
here is ms dash file. folders: C:\Audio, Fonts, xboxdashdata.123, xodash, files: C:\xboxdash.xbe, Xbox.xtf, Xboxbook.xtf do you have all of them?
Yes. I have them all. The only one that is different is xboxdashdata.123 Instead of that, I have xboxdashdata.185ead00 I have found out that I can access everything through the file manager on Unleash. All the games and emulators, etc. You probaly already knew that though. I just like EVox better because it is easier to navigate. If you can't help me to fix this problem I am having, perhaps you can tell me how, or if, I can FTP using Unleash. If I can do that, then I can FTP all my game files to my PC and back them up onto disks. Then I can reformat my hard drive using xboxhdm. So what do I need to do next?
Actually, I FINALLY figured out how to FTP using Unleash. It was a little bit different from Evox, but at least it works. Now I just wish I could figure out how to make my XBox launch to Unleash when I hit the power button to turn it on. Right now the only way I can get my box to work is by turning it on using the eject button. I guess my biggest task, and easiest thing to do, is to back up everything to the PC and put it on disks. Then I can reformat the hard drive and start over. At least I know now that it isn't totally lost. I will wait a day or two though just in case you find out a way for me to get everything working right again.
It's cool. I probaly just deleted something that I shouldn't have. I will just reformat everything after I have made backups of all my games and skins. It will take me a few days to do that, so if you find out anything between now and then, please let me know. I have crap scattered all over my box actually. I had the evox stuff in both my C and E folders. I had games and emulators scattered all over the place as well. It's probaly what is causing most of my problems. Thanks again for ALL your help.