Hey guys i got a delema i put all the info in the xboxhdm and double clicked on the make-iso-win.bat and nothing happens...any idea why or is this common.....also an i able to do the the make-iso-win.bat using power iso and if so how do i go abouts doin it thanks for anyhelp on this guys cheers
come on guys i been messin with this for 2 days straight and i can't get pass this stage some plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz help don't mean to keep on but i need to try and sort this out cheers
Try it from dos most .bat files will run from the command line. what about renaming it to iso.bat?? is it flagged as read only or something (I can't remember the crappy windows file permissions.. they are retarded) Windows sometimes doesn't like running .bat files because of av or some other stupidity.. Forget magiciso and all that other junk.. you have the programs you need right in your hands.