would you all be kind enough to sign up here at: http://www.makepovertyhistory.org it only takes two secs just click join us and fill in the details. a child dies every 3 minutes.make it stop! and would you guys be kind enough to keep it bumped to the top please so that as many people as possible can see it? thankyou
Here goes, Contreversial thought: I think it is potential a good thing to do, unfortunately we have corrupt b***tards in between. I undersatnd last year that the UK cancelled £28M for Tanzania which was then used to buy and air defence system! Lots of commission and not alot of wheat. http://www.srcf.ucam.org/cjdc/tanzania.html Until the politics is changed, and or we get uncorrupt people on the ground given the money to spend, then I am not convinced debt cancellation helps.