Sorry for my dumb question, but I'm quite a newbie on this stuff. First, I've a version of Nero I cannot understand. I set Nero to record DAO placing 'pause=0' and I can hear a little interruption of the sound between the 2 traces, so than recording a live CD is impossible. Maybe it's a fault of my burner (I'm forced to use the 'Virtual Image Recorder' with Nero and burning the .NRG file that Nero makes later, with Alcohol 120%, because Nero cannot see my burner. Therefore I'm tryng to make a cuesheet wit EAC, to burn it with Alcohol 120% later (if I add WAV wiles Alcohol 120% works, even if I add MP3 files Alcohol 120% dont', and only Nero does, but at least even in that case I can make a Nero .NRG Image). The question is this: in the 'Tools___Write CD-R' screen I can do three things: - Append Files As New Trax (Index 1) - Append Files As New Trax (Index 0 and 1) - Append Files As New Index and I can check the option 'Add 2 seconds gap on append'. Well, what't the difference between the 3 commands written above? I cannot understand the difference between 'Append Files As New Trax (Index 1)' and 'Append Files As New Trax (Index 0 and 1)' and I cannot understand the meaning of - Append Files As New Trax (Index 1) Append Files As New Index. What do I have to do when I compile a CD? And if I add 'mixed' traces (no pause between trace N and the previous one) what must I do?
hey aldaco, I frequently burn full-track mp3s to CDs with EAC. However I obtain the cue sheet first (there are tons of sites that have them, and even freeware that makes them). So when I burn mine I just go file > load cue sheet, and away it goes. I honestly don't know the difference between those three, so my suggestion would be to make the cue sheet on your own, then just load it into EAC.
the cue sheets are for when you have a single long mp3 that contains the entire album (or in this case an entire live set). The cue sheet is nothing more that a small text document that has the time index of each track so programs can then split up the single mp3 accordingly. Here's an example of what one looks like: PERFORMER "Sandra Collins" TITLE "Tranceport 3" REM ID: a4114a0b TRACK 01 AUDIO TITLE "Astral Projection / Liquid Sun (Cass & Slide Mix)" PREGAP 00:02:00 INDEX 01 00:00:00 TRACK 02 AUDIO TITLE "Think Tank / F.U.B.A.R." INDEX 01 12:08:43 TRACK 03 AUDIO TITLE "Bradley / Rush (Echo's Wave Dub)" INDEX 01 15:25:67
I need a cuesheet because only Alcohol 120% woks, with my burner, and it can only load CUE/BIN or images. Can you answer to my question (an audio CD (some track live) with CUE and the 3 differend commands you can give to EAC?)
honestly I'm not quite sure, but from looking at the cue sheets I have I see that they use index 01 as a reference to the start time of the track. So I would try the first one. And if its a live set and you want to burn it without gaps, be sure to uncheck the 2 second gap between tracks option. I've never used alcohol 120, but I do know that cue mp3 files are different than bin/cue files, so I'm not sure alcohol will recognize the cue file. you can just burn it in eac if you, but why does it only work with alcohol 120?
also if you can't get EAC to work, I sometimes use mp3 surgeon. it can split up files and create cue sheets