I've been playing with this for a while now but, not getting the results I want. I have ripped the DVDs with DVD Fab then DVDShrink. What is the best format to make the end result (avi, DIVX, ???)? I had the VOB's and somebody on another forum suggested just changing the extention to MPG. That didn't work out so well. What is the next step that I'm missing? Thanks
Ripping the original and shrinking it to fit on a DVD seems like the end result - what was the intent.
Convert your dvd to AVI (xvid) using the free fairuse wizard lite. Make sure that your dvd is in ISO format. http://www.fairusewizard.com/lang_en/fairuse_wizard_dvd_divx_xvid_backup_tool_light_edition.html Next use the free avidemux to cutout the section of the xvid you want. Avidemux will edit without reencoding, this will prevent any further loss of quality. http://fixounet.free.fr/avidemux/screenshots.html
Thanks for the input. The original intent was to have individual song/videos to play directly from the HD. I started ripping the DVD with DVDFab and then seperating the tracks with DVDShrink. Thanks again
another quick way is to use the editer in dvd shrink and save each music video to an ISO. Next use fairuse to convert to xvid make sure you use a bitrate of 900 so your final file size will be small and of good quality. Fairuse will convert it quickly and keep it insync.
If you don't care about file size and don't want to re-encode to a different format(which means some loss of quality), you can try VOB2MPG (you said you tried to go this route before, just not the right way). http://www.softpedia.com/get/Multimedia/Video/Encoders-Converter-DIVX-Related/VOB2MPG.shtml
Ok, maybe I'm not smart enough for this. Thought the VOBtoMPG looked the best/easiest route. Using VOBtoMPG with limited success. I have Sheryl Crow, The Videos. After DVD Shrink with no compression the VOBs play fine, good audio and video. Use VOBtoMPG and the video looks good but, nothing but static on the audio. Any ideas