Hi all,not sure where to post this so will try here to start with. I am trying to compile a dvd to distribute to members of our bike club. Its going to contain videos of us on the road and some photo slide shows,with my own soundtrack over the top. I`ve had a play with windows movie maker but it wont give me a saved file that i can convert to dvd with win avi or similar. The only thing i could do was to convert to wmv but lost far too much quality. So my question is can anyone reccomend a smilar program i can use to compile avi`s jpegs and mp3`s? Thanks in advance for any help Gunny
Windows Movie Maker is fine.. You have to make sure you save the resulting file like so.. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. You'll now have the file in .avi format which you can easily convert and burn to dvd a number of ways, my recommendation being DVD Flick. Edit: Windows Movie Maker saves my .avi file in PAL format, as I@m from England, but if you're in the US, NTSC should be your default format. If not, you can merely change that when you come to convert/burn with DVD Flick.
Well...to start off, i would like to recommend these following steps: PART I:COLLECTING SOFTWARES 1.VIDEO EDITING The movie maker works just fine, but the only thing being that u have to sacrifice a lot of quality. I would suggest a video editor like sony vegas, u can consult from here: http://planet-movies.com/pv:tutorial-sony-vegas?nav=vegas-overview The advantage being that sony vegas offers u with a lot of interesting features, without sacrificing quality A video editor like video edit magic also works fine. 2.AUDIO EDITING U might require a lot of audio cutting/mixing/joining..and what not. Just google up for audio cutters and u would end up with a lot. PART II:WORKING WITH VIDEO EDITORS The working with movie maker has nicely been explained by Phlax. For sony vegas, consult the help files, because that could be a lot confusing. The video edit magic is too easy to work upon. Don't forget to add extra effects. PART III:MOVIE RESOLUTION I think 640X406 resolution is the best. Always remember, there are a lot of video editors to work upon, i recommended these because i have worked with these for a long time PART IV:WEB HELP U can consult this site....tells u about different sites,encoding issues,video codecs required, and many more. http://www.gotfrag.com/cs/forums/thread/177982/ happy movie making!