Making xISOs

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by alcapwn, Sep 18, 2005.

  1. alcapwn

    alcapwn Guest

    I really need help with this. I have a regular ISO for an Xbox game. I put the ISO on a CD and my xbox wouldnt read it. I looked around and found out something about how you have to make your regular ISO into an xISO. Im not very smart when it comes to computers and things like this so can someone help me find a good program to do this? Ive download some but I dont really understand exactly what I need to do. Can someone tell me what to get and what I need to do to make a working xISO that'll work on my Xbox? I'd really appreciate it.
  2. larrylje

    larrylje Active member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    All you have to do to make a back up is FTP to your Xbox rip the game from your Xbox DVD Drive onto your computer then burn the ISO the rip makes.
  3. alcapwn

    alcapwn Guest

    Like I said, Im not very good with things like this...I need a little more explanation..I dont really know what you are talking about : (
  4. larrylje

    larrylje Active member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    You either have to make the ISO file by FTPing to your Xbox and ripping the Xbox game off the Xbox drive or you can download the games.

    If you have download the game then make sure you extract the ISO out into an ISO file. To do this open up the game file and choose the first file in the list if you have a bunch of files and it will extract out the ISO.

    If you downloaded the file and it already is an ISO then follow the following below.

    Do you have DVD decryptor?

    If not then go to the programs tab above in this forum and download DVD Decryptor. and set it up on your computer.

    After that start DVD Decryptor and then at the top of the program click on "MODE" Then go down the list till you see "ISO" then click on "WRITE" when the window pops out.

    Now put in a blank DVD in your DVD Burrner then you need to open up the ISO in Decryptor by clicking on the little folder icon in the "SOURCE" part of decryptor. It says please select file. Click on the folder then go to where your ISO is.

    Now at the bottem of Decryptor in the right bottem corener it will give you an option to choose write speed. If it dosent say 4x in the window then click the pull down menu and choose 4x.

    Once that is done then your ready to burn click on the Icon that has a picture of a DVD disc that says DVD on it and it will start burning the file.
  5. alcapwn

    alcapwn Guest

    Ok, ill try that. Ive already done everything youve said except I did it with I guess doing it with that program would make a difference, right?
  6. shinnster

    shinnster Regular member

    Oct 30, 2002
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    @ alcapwn

    when you burn your iso make sure you use a dvd-r as most xbox's will not read other format disks. Unless its just a program then you can burn onto a cd-r
  7. larrylje

    larrylje Active member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    Go to the site below and download Quix its a program that will make your rip into an ISO that you can burn to your disc and play.

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