I'm looking to get some arcade sticks to play my mame games on xbox because let's face it, arcade games just aren't the same without an arcade stick. I just want to know if arcade sticks will work properly with a mame emu on xbox. I'm particularly interested in the Street Fighter 15th anniversary edition sticks. If anyone knows, please let me know. Also, since I'm talking about mame, I have the most recent version of the mame rom set (ver. 0.106). What I'd like to know is if there's a list of the games that are in it because the files are all abbreviated versions of the game names. If I shouldn't be asking this, I apologize; I just figured it's okay because I'm only looking for game names, not actual roms. Thanks. Gulliver
I have the 2 player xarcade joystick. Everyone in america swears by it that has one but for streetfighter type games mine kinda sux for diagonal movements. Nothing is worse in life than trying to throw a fire ball and it not coming out. I have the xarcade trackball and that is great for games like golden tee, mini putt, centipeed, ect. MAME IS THE BOMB------> BUT DAPHNE IS THE SHHIZZZNICK
It is the old school laser disk arcade game emulator. Dragons lair, Space ace, dragons lair 2, thayers quest, astron belt, cliff hanger, mach 3, cobra command to name a few. I built an arcade cabinet to spacifically run mame and daphne. 5000+ in one games in one stand alone. I'm an old school day 1 video game junkie so my life is already complete with just these 2 emus.