I'm just getting to grips with al the features that are available to you when ur box has been chip or softmoded. I used the 007 softmod myself. i have installed a few emulators. 1 mame 2 surreal64 3 zsnes The MAME emulator sees to just load up and theres no way to insert your credits for playing. The other problem that if having is that I cant exit the game , ( If thats possible), Each time I'm having to turn the xbox off and then restart to select a different game
Try pressing in the analog sticks to access menus and on MAME I know one of the buttons inserts credits. I *think* it was the back button.
Try using the emu menu or the in game menu. I'm pretty sure you use the Start button and the Black or White button at the same time to bring up the menus.
hey ive got mame-eox and when i run a game it says loading done,2 minutes later it says u must legally own this game to run it type ok to continue,how do i type ok with an xbox controller?p.s.this happens with all my games.
hey ive got mame-ox and when i run a game it says loading done,2 minutes later it says u must legally own this game to run it type ok to continue,how do i type ok with an xbox controller?p.s.this happens with all my games.
um question thats probably been asked a million times but if i have an emu that runs on my pc and i put it on my xbox in the emu folder it will work like on my pc? or do i have to do a bunch of shit? thnx to whoever answers this question.
u have to download the xbox emulators such as xsnes[super nintendo] or surreal 64 xxx[nintendo 64]Just google xbox emulators or go to torrentspy.
on my xbox mame emulator, back is credits and right on the non- analog direction is type ok. Hope that helps
I think the hit ok thing happens all the time and the way to continue is either hit left, then right on the analog or hit A. Some roms don't work though. You should check a compatability list to see if the game you are trying to run is on it. Also you can hit the following buttons at the same time to reboot to the dashboard... l trigger, r trigger, black, white, start. And no you can't use the PC emus on the xbox. You would need to re-compile the programs with XDK to get the xbe files to launch it. If there is a particular emu you need just ask!
I don't ever remember seeing that message... Xport has ported pretty much every emulator these is. Just grab them off Xbins.