Well after doing a bunch of reading at this site and downloading the trial version of Alcohol 120%, I started playing around. Made about 3 (semi) coasters. Was a complete burn of MoO3 play disk, but of course it did not load the game from the disk. I actually got it loaded a couple times using the virtual drive and mounting image and whatnot, but it didn't seem consistent for me. I.E. it would occasionaly load and other times it would not. (but I am new to the program, so)... Anyways, finally I decided to go for another rip and then another burn. I enabled rmps for the DPM and when it creates the image file. (selecting securom 4x) Then I burned, and viola. Without mounting, heck even with alcohol not running at all, the game "does" load for me off of the burned disk. I read (here) that alcohol cannot do this and requires use of emulation. So, I wanted to brag it up a bit, cuz I was really stoked that it actually worked. Anyone else out there have success with MoO3?
It is Alcohol 120% itself that warns you. Literally it says: 'If you enable Burn RPMS to recordable media the CD will work only if you have Alcohol or another compatible emulation software installed and RPMS emulation active' So the reason for the backup working with no additional emulation is a mistery... unless you burned an already cracked image that just needed a little help to cheat the installer. BTW, Alcohol might have some (small) limtations, but it remains among the most powerful ones, and with the easiest-to-use interface so far!!
He shoots......and he overshoots....hah Live and learn yes? ~_^ Soooo, it turns out aldaco, that I did not make a true copy of MoO3. *sigh* See, I was under the impression that if the program was not running at all, then it would not factor into or affect anything. As it turns out, even when alcohol is "not" running, if you have RPMS emu selected under the emu options, it still works. I.E. I clicked off RPMS and then disk would not load up all by its little bitty self, lol. So yeah...I won't jump the gun next time, I was just super excited. heh, try, try again... Or, in the words of master yoda, Do or do not, there is no try! ^^Now I'm confused ! =P