May she rest in peace...(London Attacks)

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by FirstLove, Jul 20, 2005.

  1. FirstLove

    FirstLove Member

    Jul 20, 2005
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    i...i wish the london events never happened!!! mom...i want to go back...have it never had happened!....i miss her so all happened so fast...i thought it was just a nightmare i dont want to believe she's gone! im only 16! why!?!?! why'd they have to take her away from me!?!....i lost my mom in the london attacks...and i cant help but think its my fault...i told her i wanted to go to london for my sweet 16 bday...and i sujested we take the metro...and i sujested we stand so the older lady could sit down....i want her back more than anything in the world...3 days after my birthday...and i loose my lifes never gonna be the same.

    R.I.P. Amanda, Mom.
  2. weazel200

    weazel200 Regular member

    Feb 26, 2005
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    Wow that sucks man. I feel sorry for ya. Unfortunately your mum was an innocent victim in all of this. We all have to go some time and your mum's time was now. I offer my condolences.
  3. FirstLove

    FirstLove Member

    Jul 20, 2005
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    thanx. yea i try to tell myself she left for a reason but i guess im still kinda in denial..i dont want to believe she's gone forever, but then again who would? my sisters took it the hardest i think, my twin was at the hotel with my little sister and she only found out when she got a call from the hospital the day after. i can only imagin how scared she was. my little sister she's only 7 so she doesnt completely understand why mom cant just come back.
  4. weazel200

    weazel200 Regular member

    Feb 26, 2005
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    What really gets me is people who come to this country for a reason like sports personalities and teachers are sometimes denied work permits to live over here yet people from the middle east who have nothing but evil intentions on their minds are gladly accepted to move over here. It's such a joke. This government sucks.
  5. FirstLove

    FirstLove Member

    Jul 20, 2005
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    here as in where? im in Australia but if your talking about the U.S. that i can honestly say the governments are run the same way. and you do have a point on that. they dont think hard enough when it comes to terrorists till its too late. they need to get better security and stop terrorists from getting in, better yet everyone around the world needs to stop all the fighting and wars. we should come together to help the less-welthier countries. we should help, not distroy, not attack, or fight or anything else. if there were no more anger and hate out world would be far, far better off. there are no reasons to start wars. i just dont get why people think there are.
  6. Veblin

    Veblin Active member

    Feb 27, 2003
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  7. arniebear

    arniebear Active member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    If this is true then I am sincerely sorry for your loss, and the loss of those other families that this horrible tragedy happened to, however if this is a hoax then shame on you for trading on others genuine grief.

    I went through the whole list that Veblin posted and no one matches your description from Australia.
  8. FirstLove

    FirstLove Member

    Jul 20, 2005
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    10 an awful thing to say. you may not believe it..but its ok because you dont have to, it happened wether you believe it or not. you may feel good about yourself for somewhat "prooving" to be right. but it still stands that i along with my sisters have lost my mom. it may mean nothing to you for you may not have lost a loved one. but that gives you no right what so ever to accuse other people of lying. there were hundreds of people in these accidents. only 52 may have been found dead and claimed with a name. but there are lots lots more who either havnt been found or are too badly hurt to be reconized. yea they may be lists of people who've been found and announced dead. but you have no right to think just because she's not up there that its ok for you to come up and accuse me of lying. why would anyone want that?
    you can say all you want about my story but you will never now the pain and heartache i went through. waking up in a hospital thinking it was all just a nasty dream only to find out that your mom is actually dead is nothing to fake. it may not be real to you but it is to me. i had to come to terms with knowing ill never see my mother again...the heartbreak...and tears will never go away. you may never know the pain i go through each and every day realizing over and over again that it wasnt a dream. and personally i hope you never do. its not something someone can just make up. its something real. its something that will haunt me for the rest of my life.
  9. kinza

    kinza Regular member

    Jul 22, 2004
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    Well, if you are telling the truth which I think you are then I feel very sorry. In my school we had a funeral for a former student, a soldier who died fighting in Iraq. I then realized how close we are to these tragic events. I am very sorry for your mother, I can't even begin to think how I would feel if it were me. May the innocent RIP.

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