Hello I just D/L a copy of Media Center Extender for my Xbox but after I install it for my Media Center PC it gives me an error message " The Media Center Extender for Xbox has unexpectedly disconnected from the Media Center PC." But the problem is of course its just a copy not the actual disc. So I'm just stuck at the screen and I have no clue what to do. I'm not a modding noob but the thing is, this is the first time I acutally messed with this and I Google'd for hours and came up with nothing...HELP!! If someone found out a way to connect a "pirated" Xbox Media Center Extender to work shed some light on this situation.
the information u have given is a bit complicated. are you trying to connect your xbox (XBMC) to Pc (media center)
But its not the XBMC the one you get on Xbins is the actual Xbox Media Center made from MS its called Windows Media Center Extender for Xbox.
to connect you XBMC to you pc do this on your PC set up a small/home networkand at the end of the setup choose the last option. then right click on the folders you want to share and select Sharing and Security. DONT share your C drive you cant access from XBMC just share "My Documents". Now go to XBMC and select My music/my videos/my puctures and then select "Workgroup (SMB) Netowk" PS are you talking about xbox 360 coz MS never made that cd for xbox they only made that for xbox 360 and i think its for your pc so you can connect your xbox 360 to you pc (media center)
well thanks for that cuse I can use that instead of what im trying to do but i mean if they only made it for the 360 then whats this? http://www.xbox.com/en-US/support/systemuse/xbox/console/mediacenterextender.htm and it is for the original xbox. So do you know anyone else that could help?